Frequently Asked Questions
Cal West Electric does not have a separate "service department."
Please review the FAQs below before contacting your home builder
to request a service or warranty appointment.
How do I reset my GFCI device after it trips?
To reset a GFCI device, unplug all items from that circuit. Press the "Test" button and then press the "Reset" button until it clicks.
If it will not reset, contact a qualified electrician to evaluate it.
Click HERE to watch a short video about GFCI devices.
You can download the PDF user manual from the "Products" page on our site.
Why does my vacancy sensor switch keep shutting off too soon?
You most likely have a Vacancy Sensing switch in your home's bathrooms, laundry room, and/or garage. The vacancy sensor switch can be programmed to stay on for 30 seconds, 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, or 30 mins after it ceases to detect motion. You can customize the settings of each switch.
You can download the PDF user manual from the "Products" page on our site.
Why does my bathroom exhaust fan switch keep turning on/off by itself?
By design, environmental conditions inside the room affect humidity sensing switches. These conditions can vary even from room to room inside the same home. The sensitivity can be adjusted as well as the time the the fan runs before automatically turning off.
You can download the PDF user manual that includes instructions for how to make these adjustments, from the "Products" page.
How do I test or reset a circuit breaker?
To reset a tripped circuit breaker, unplug or turn off the last item you tried to turn on. Then reset the circuit breaker by pushing the handle of the tripped circuit breaker all of the way to the "off" setting until it clicks and then turn it back to the "on" setting.
If the breaker has a "test" button on it, simply press the "test" button to trip the breaker, then click it to the "off" position before turning it back to the "on" position.
To see a short video of this procedure, click HERE
Why does my breaker keep tripping?
Some circuit breakers installed in your home have a built-in troubleshooting capability. These breakers have a clear "test" button that double as an LED indicator.
These circuit breakers protect in multiple ways and how many times it blinks when reset, will tell you which one of these ways was violated and caused the circuit breaker to trip. When you reset the breaker, the LED will blink a number of times and then repeat for 10 cycles, pausing between cycles. It is important to note this "trip code" in order to effectively diagnose the issue.
To see a short video of this process, click HERE
To recall the last trip code:
Turn off the breaker, then hold down the "test" button while you turn the breaker back on.
Click HERE to download a PDF of the trip code key.
How much power is in each circuit?
Each circuit breaker protects one "circuit" of wiring within your home. Each circuit, depending on the size, will allow for a certain amount of "watts." If you use devices that exceed that number of watts, the circuit breaker will trip to prevent the wiring and surrounding material from being damaged.
For example, the bathroom outlets are typically all on one 20-amp circuit. A 20-amp circuit will allow **approximately** 1900 watts before the circuit breaker trips. If you run a 1600 watt hair dryer in one bathroom, and a 350 watt flat iron in another bathroom at the same time, the circuit breaker will most likely trip. The wattage a device uses, is typically printed on a label on the device.
Why does my circuit breaker keep tripping when I use my space heater?
Some space heaters require too much power to be used on general use outlets.
For more information regarding general use outlets and space heaters, click HERE
Why is one outlet upside down?
If you have one outlet in a room that is upside down, it is most likely a "1/2 hot" outlet. This means that one of the two outlets is controlled by a switch, allowing you to control a cord connected lamp using the wall switch.
Why does my GFCI device keep tripping in my garage? I keep losing power to my garage refrigerator/freezer!
Every outlet in the garage is required by the National Electric Code to be protected by a GFCI device. Refrigerators and freezers are most often incompatible with GFCI devices, causing them to trip. The GFCI device is performing as designed. We recommend finding an alternate location for a secondary fridge or freezer.
Why does my smoke detector keep going off or chirping?
Smoke alarms and Carbon Monoxide alarms are extremely important in keeping you and your family safe in case of a household fire. But they don’t only sound when an actual fire threatens your home. Though false alarms can occur often, that doesn’t mean you should ignore the sound if you don’t see or smell smoke. Smoke and Carbon Monoxide detectors can sense hidden fires, before you can. If an alarm sounds, and you aren’t sure if it’s a false alarm or not, assume there is a fire and follow proper safety precautions.
To help you better understand how smoke alarms work, and read the top causes of smoke detector false alarms HERE.
Why are my light bulbs flickering when I use my dimmer?
Not all light bulbs are dimmable. Using non-dimmable bulbs can damage your electrical system and devices. A handy tool to help you select the right bulb for your application can be found HERE.